About Pliance


Automated approach to anti-money laundering compliance, focusing on PEP, sanctions and UBO checks. It enables businesses to effectively on-board and track their customers, in line with global anti-money laundering standards. This back-end module works seamlessly within existing workflows, minimising disruption while maximising compliance. It covers international lists from the UN, EU, OFAC and others, and continuously monitors customer status to keep businesses informed of any changes. Beneficial ownership control is also included, facilitating the transparency and integrity of financial transactions. Pliance is a solution designed for scalability, enabling businesses to grow while maintaining compliance with less risk and work.

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Automated AML screening
Global list coverage
Continuous monitoring

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Use our Form builder to create your custom forms. With our advanced form builder, you can connect all the different sources, create custom onboarding forms, and combine them into dynamic flows.
Sanction Scanner provides comprehensive compliance through real-time sanction, financial, and reputational risk scanning for individuals, companies, aircraft, and vessels.
The PEP/AML module makes it easy to comply with anti-money laundering regulations. It is a complete compliance tool, for AML, adverse media, sanction, and PEP screening and monitoring.
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Use our Form builder to create your custom forms. With our advanced form builder, you can connect all the different sources, create custom onboarding forms, and combine them into dynamic flows.
Sanction Scanner provides comprehensive compliance through real-time sanction, financial, and reputational risk scanning for individuals, companies, aircraft, and vessels.
The PEP/AML module makes it easy to comply with anti-money laundering regulations. It is a complete compliance tool, for AML, adverse media, sanction, and PEP screening and monitoring.
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