About Virk reports

Company data

Uniify & Virk reports integration simplifies the acquisition of company financial reports, facilitating due diligence and economic analysis. It discreetly runs in the background of your workflow, automatically fetching and storing financial reports as PDFs under the relevant cases. This allows for immediate access and inclusion in comprehensive reports without user intervention. Essential for financial professionals, the module requires a valid company registration number as input, which can be easily attached upon case creation. With Virk reports, users can effortlessly maintain an organised repository of financial documents, streamlining case management and enhancing the decision-making process with up-to-date financial data.

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Financial reporting
Case document integration
Automated data retrieval

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Use Tinglysning for accurate monitoring of customers' recorded assets and liabilities, ensuring credit assessments and compliance with FSA regulations by providing comprehensive financial information.
With the Betalingsservice module, you can streamline recurring and stand-alone collections. Set up subscriptions, fees, insurance, loans, and other types of charges.
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MitID - The next generation of NemID. MitID is a common secure online login, whether you are logging in to online banking, public authorities, or engaging with other businesses.
Use Tinglysning for accurate monitoring of customers' recorded assets and liabilities, ensuring credit assessments and compliance with FSA regulations by providing comprehensive financial information.
With the Betalingsservice module, you can streamline recurring and stand-alone collections. Set up subscriptions, fees, insurance, loans, and other types of charges.
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